Tuesday, August 31, 2010


of course the grades haven't come in. but i think the classes are going well. sometimes i wonder if i talk too much. but i am excited and happy and full of ideas. and i am looking forward to some fierce intellectual debates and discussions. ideas and thoughts from various perspectives intersecting and possibly creating a new realm. a paradigm shift.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

here i come

i am procrastinating. i have to write a reaction paper and i am not sure how to begin. i like this professor and i don't want her to be disappointed in me. but honestly, i have no idea what she's looking for. i mean, i do. in the sense of what is written in the syllabus. but still.

the document has been created. the cursor is waiting for my fingers to begin typing. my references are cited. the margins and font is set. and i'm here. writing on this blog instead of writing the actual paper. what if i've forgotten how to write? it's like riding a bicycle, right? oh well. enough of this. it's time to face the demons.

Friday, August 27, 2010


we have 5 students who have joined the phd program this year. one is from south korea, one is from thailand, and 3 are from america. we have one guy and 4 girls in the program. one is married, one is engaged (to be married next summer) and 3 single folks in the group. there is not much deviation in the age group (i think). but i haven't asked. i think it would be interesting to record the journey and the progress of each of these individuals and their perspectives on grad school and life in north carolina.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

i like my professor

there are some professors who love teaching. and some who love research and the teaching part is just a part of the job. you can always make out the difference between the two when you enter the classroom. the professors who enjoy teaching - their enthusiasm, their love for the subject or research - it's just all there.

i have a professor that i respect and who seems to be a great teacher. i am excited.

Monday, August 23, 2010

in a few minutes

it's here. the class is almost full. we're all waiting for the professor. it's a mix group. asians, caucasians, men, women, white, black, brown and all. why am i still so nervous? i am thinking of taking statistics this semester instead of this class. we'll see. i'm thinking about it.

in the meanwhile. i am here. nervous.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


oh my god. oh my god. i have been looking forward to this. then why am i panicking? i am excited but scared. shit. i guess it's just all full throttle from here.

first day of classes start tomorrow.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

making friends

i think it's easier to make friends in grad school. you're a bit more mature. you're in the same hell together. you are all living in debt or underpaid or starving. there is lots of beer. and lots of discussions over research that you really can't talk to anyone else around you. your family doesn't want to listen to it. in fact they are glad you have friends who will listen or whom you can talk to so you don't bore them anymore.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

more orientations

yesterday we had the graduate student orientation. and my department orientation was today. it was nice meeting new colleagues and peers and feeling people out. i hope i am not too much of a pain in the ass. i ask a lot of questions. always have.

i am excited about classes!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

it's starting

I went for the teaching assistant orientation yesterday. a day long bore-fest. so starts graduate school. honestly, i'm really excited. not about statistics though. but still, really excited. i have decided to tackle stats next semester.

i met one of my new colleagues yesterday - she is starting her phd too and like me has taught retail and fashion merchandising for a few years at a university.

i am excited.